Spring Equinox calling...

Spring Equinox calling...

Hello friends! Blessed Ostara! Happy Aries Season!

 As Mother Earth awakens from her long winter's slumber, we feel something deep within us awakening, as well. Take a pause to notice this. We all have our own planted seeds of intention to water and nourish as the season of rebirth and rejuvenation eases into fruition. It's likely that we feel stronger urges to move forward, make changes, and give attention to the little details that are necessary to grow the things within and around us. The things that matter most. Know that your growth is still occurring. While you work, while you play, while you rest. All of this is reflected back to us through nature. The trees, the grass, the flowers, the breeze, the critters - they are all singing to a different tune. Open your windows and your patio doors. Let the light in. Go on as many nature walks as possible - take your shoes off. Watch the sunlight play on the water. Notice the moonlight dancing with the stars. There is powerful energy in this.

It's time to get clear on what and where you want to bloom. Take note of this and all that is necessary to nurture what you're planting. Each day is an opportunity to water your intentions, in big and small ways. Don't forget that rest is an important step in this process. Don't be afraid to rest. Deep breaths. Don't be afraid to start again.

xoxo Amanda @velvetmoondance

ps. I have created Ostara's magick in candle form! Check the shoppe to see what's in stock! 


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